Marie-Pierre Rixain

MEP of the fourth district of Essonne, President of the « Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes » (“Delegation on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunity between Men and Women”)

Marie-Pierre Rixain, 40-year-old mother of one, has received degrees from the « Institut d’Études Politiques » in Toulouse, and from Celsa. She is also the recipient of a « DESS de vie parlementaire (Paris II) ».

Elected for the first time as MEP in June 2017, she was previously an independent consultant in public communications, working especially with the healthcare industry.

She sits at the heart of the Commission on Cultural Affairs and Education and presides over the
« Délégation aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes ».